SBCAST, Santa Barbara, California
Architexture at the SBCAST Opening
For the SBCAST opening on February 27, 2016, we planned on projecting the entire exterior entry and courtyard of the complex. It meant using 13 projectors to create the full effect. The first job was to look at projector placement and frame size. For that, we used the projectors’ native grid frames to see where and how imagery would interface with the walls. And lo, the grids looked amazing! The buildings are very rectilinear, almost Bauhaus in their style, and overlaid grid patterns completely messed with them most satisfyingly. Initially, it seemed like a cop-out using nothing more than moving grids but, my god, it worked well. The trick was to keep the grids as simple as possible and let the effects of overlaid, phased video and perspective do the work of keeping it interesting all night.